Welcome To Academic Flight

Flight Training and Aerospace Education based on a Test Pilot Approach

Recovery from a Cross-Controlled Stall – FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards for Airplane, Area of Operations XI, Task D

Academic Flight LLC provides aerospace education and flight training. We use flight test methods as cockpit teaching tools – in conjunction with the test pilot’s and flight test engineer’s knowledge of flight dynamics – for advanced airmanship development. This approach can be applied in thorough courses leading to FAA ratings and certificates, or reach beyond into the realm of aerobatics and upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT). We teach online as well as in an in person format. Please contact us for details and see our more comprehensive mission statement.

Online Ground Schools

Private Pilot Ground School

Unique, challenging ground school for future performance-oriented military/test pilots & aerospace engineers.

Multiengine Ground School

Detailed ground school for a multiengine rating on your FAA commercial pilot and/or flight instructor certificate.

Flight Dynamics Ground School

Diligent treatment of aerodynamics and flight dynamics applied to everyday situations and emergencies.

        Test Pilot Theory              

Ground school based on test pilot school and aerospace engineering literature with all the mathematics and physics.

Flying Courses


Data Science for Pilots

Data analysis, visualization, and computer programming with Python for pilots and flight test engineers.

Embedded Systems

Intro to embedded systems programming, using Arduino microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless connectivity.

Attitude Estimator

Use Kalman filters (EKF, UKF), a particle filter and sensor fusion for attitude estimation from IMU and magnetometer data.

3-Axis PID Controller

Implement an algorithm that will allow a drone to follow autonomously a predetermined flight path.

A Unique Learning Environment


Our website provides an extensive bibliography of resources freely available online by a variety of authors, covering a wide range of topics, and we guide you what to read.

Efficient Flight Training

The majority of flight instruction happens on the ground. Lots of self-study opportunity and a diligent ground school, leading to thorough knowledge before you fly, will save you money.

Youth Mentorship

Demanding mentorship program for the ambitious aviator of tomorrow: learn much of the theory before you are old enough to obtain a pilot certificate or attend college.

Contact Us

info (at) academicflight (dot) com

860-617-9319 (USA)